Scientific Evidence,Theories, Models of Practice,and Frames of lThinking Valuing ofDiversityFinal Version Ģintervention plans that address occupational therapy’sdomain of practice (i.e. The focus is on instructional outcomes, from Phase 1 of the curriculum framework,related to the following curricular themes: critical thinking for practice and scholarship, psychomotor skills,collaborative practice, professionalism, and valuing of diversity.Course Objectives and/or GoalsStudent Learning Objectives- Upon successfulcompletion of the course, students will be able to:Demonstrate ability to identify safety concerns andaddress safety of self and others.Apply occupational therapy models of practice and/ortheoretical frameworks to the selection of appropriatestandardized and/or non-standardized assessments forevaluating occupational performance and creatingACOTE Standard(s)B.3.7.

Laboratory activities are used to develop and evaluate individualstudent competencies. The course builds upon knowledge and skills for adultclients that as taught in the fall semester. Students develop theoretically sound, evidence- andoccupation-based interventions grounded upon the analysis and application of clinical competences in the coreknowledge of occupational therapy for children and youth. Students will learn to facilitate occupational performance of clients and their familiesacross occupational therapy domains and through the occupational therapy process as related to rehabilitation.Relation to Program OutcomesThis course is situated in the spring semester, second year of the Doctor of Occupational Therapy program.During this semester, the specific application of previously acquired knowledge to more complex activities andissues of participation in children and youth is emphasized. Shazz Course Communications:, , and UF email (please do not communicate with me via Canvas)Course Times: Section A: Mondays 8:30 – 9:20 am (2nd period) & Thursdays 10:00 – 11:55 am ( 3rd & 4th periods) Section B: Mondays 2nd period & Thursdays 12:50 – 2:45 pm (6th & 7th periods)Classrooms (both sections): Monday Classrooms G-103 (I will teach live in this room seats 20), G-201 (seats 9), 1101 (seats 9), &Zoom Thursday Classrooms 1107 (I will teach live in this room when I communicate with all students in thesection seats 9), 1103 (seats 3), 1101 (seats 9), & G-201 (seats 9)PrerequisitesOTH 6437: Occupation-based Practice and Rehabilitation: Physical Domain and OTH 6620C: Occupationbased Practice and Rehabilitation: Cognitive, Perceptual, Social Domains with a grade of C or higher orequivalent coursework with permission of the instructor.PURPOSE AND OUTCOMECourse OverviewThis course addresses occupation-based practice for children and youth with impairments resulting inrehabilitation needs.

1University of FloridaCollege of Public Health & Health Professions SyllabusOTH 6527C Occupation-based Practice and Rehabilitation for Children and Youth(3 credits)Spring: 2021Delivery Format: Synchronous Remote & On-CampusInstructor Name: Consuelo Kreider, PhD, OTR/LOffice Room Number: HPNP 2114Phone Number: 35Email Address: Hours: Wednesdays 12:00-12:30 (via zoom) & Thursdays 11:40-12:30 (in person 1107 or via zoom) orby appointment made via email to Assistants: Ms.